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Yet, Trump financial statements put a value on the units roughly six times higher than what the appraiser had concluded, the lawsuit said.

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“The financial statements in question were issued annually; each contained a significant number of fraudulent, false, and misleading representations about a great many of the Trump Organisation’s assets; and most played a role in particular transactions with financial institutions,” the lawsuit alleges.

A licenciatura possui saiba como principal objetivo formar profissionais capazes de responder às necessidades de 1 mercado por trabalho cada vez Ainda mais exigente e competitivo. Pretende-se de que os alunos adquiram as competências comunicacionais e culturais indispensáveis ao exercício da profissãeste.

Muitas companhias e organizações se valem de um porta-voz para transmitir todas as mensagens institucionais. Este filme mostra uma indústria do tabaco que se utiliza de 1 desses mecanismos de modo a defender seu Resultado mesmo sabendo o quanto ele Têm a possibilidade de ser nocivo à saúdo.

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She is also seeking to cancel the bolsonaro sair psl Trump Organisation’s corporate certificate, which, if granted by a judge, could effectively force the company to cease operations in New York state.

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James said the conduct detailed in her suit may violate state and criminal law, including "issuing false statements to financial institutions and bank fraud." She said state investigations would refer these allegations to the US attorney for the Southern District of New York and the jair bolsonaro facebook IRS. 

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New York attorney general said Trump inflated his net worth in an attempt to gain favourable terms for loans in order to 'cheat the system, thereby cheating all of us' 1:13 Published: 5:55 PM 'Trump falsely inflated his net worth': NY attorney presidente general files lawsuit against Trump – video Mitch McConnell called Trump ‘crazy’ after Capitol attack, new book says

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