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During the 2016 campaign, Trump promised to "drain the swamp" – a phrase that usually refers to entrenched corruption and lobbying in Washington, D.C. – and he proposed a series of ethics reforms.[734] However, according to federal records and interviews, there has been a dramatic increase in lobbying by corporations and hired interests during Trump's tenure, particularly through Pence's office.

The subject of racism and antisemitism didn’t come up, and Fuentes “presented as statistician. He was very knowledgeable of polls and Trump’s campaign. Trump was very impressed but Trump didn’t know who he was,” the source said.

E instruir al representante del Poder Ejecutivo ante el Consejo por la Magistratura para de que solicite la apertura por un sumario ante la Comisión de Disciplina para investigar la conducta por los magistrados federales", subrayó el Presidente en el mensaje en cadena, que grabó un rato previamente de las 3 do la tarde a partir de su despacho de Coisa Rosada.

Mãe de Deolane Bezerra possui elevada do hospital e diz que filha deve ir de modo a Farofa da Gkay Advogada desistiu do reality ‘A Fazenda' após ser informada de de que a mãe estava internada na UTI

Dr. Phil guest describes feeling ‘floored,’ like ‘ground was opening up’ upon hearing husband would vote Trump

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In July 2020, federal forces were deployed to Portland, Oregon, in response to rioting during protests against police brutality, which had resulted in vandalism to the city's federal courthouse.[514] The Department of Homeland Security cited Trump's June 26 executive order to protect statues and monuments as allowing federal officers to be deployed without the permission jair bolsonaro filhos of individual states.

'Attacking the Constitution and all it stands for is anathema to the soul of our nation and should be universally condemned,' a White House spokesman said

The porous nature of Mar-a-Lago, where anyone with connections can run into Trump, has long been a concern of his advisers. It’s also helped land Trump in the sights of a federal investigation after the FBI in August executed a search warrant at the club in search of documents marked classified that the federal government says Trump should not have possessed.

Trump rolled back more than cem federal environmental regulations, including those that curbed greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and the use of toxic substances. He weakened protections for animals and environmental standards for federal infrastructure projects, and expanded permitted areas for drilling and resource extraction, such as allowing drilling in the Arctic Refuge.

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Trump has often said he began his career with "a small loan of one million dollars" from his father, and that he had to pay it back with interest.[39] He was a millionaire by age eight, borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to repay those loans, and received another $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's company.

Trump, who was impeached twice and regularly denies his loss in the last presidential election, perpetuated the untrue claim in both Truth Social posts that 2020 election was stolen.

Trump's economic policies have centered on cutting taxes, deregulation, and trade protectionism. Trump primarily stuck to or midia intensified traditional Republican economic policy positions that benefitted corporate jair bolsonaro biografia interests or the affluent, with the exception of his trade protectionist policies.

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